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Are You Considering Becoming a Registered Nurse?

 Are You Considering Becoming a Registered Nurse?

If you are considering becoming a registered nurse, you are thinking of entering into a career that can be fulfilling, exciting, is different from day to day and are choosing a career that holds many possibilities. However, as with any career that holds such promise, it does not come easy and there will be a certain amount of work and commitment on your part when working your way towards becoming a RN.

Registered nurses are in fact one of the most sought after in the health system and the position of RN comes with many different responsibilities in an environment that is ever changing and prospering. If you can adapt easily to many different scenarios and have the ability to be able to assign tasks and hold seniority over nursing assistants and practical nurses within the hospital environment, then becoming a registered nurse may be the ideal career choice for you.

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Benefits as a registered nurse
Here are some of the many situations you may face and the benefits you may gain during your career as a registered nurse:

Along with job satisfaction and having exposure to and dealing with a wide variety of medical conditions there is also a rewarding salary to look forward to.  

Caring for the needs of individuals with a wide variety of medical conditions, illnesses and injury.  

Meeting, catering and caring for a wide range of people from all walks of life in different settings.  

The chance of working in operating rooms, alongside physicians, in intensive care, emergency room, health care clinics and private practices. 

Are You Considering Becoming a Registered Nurse?

Responsibilities of the registered nurse

Responsibilities of the registered nurse are numerous depending on the area that you choose to work in. In some areas, you could have very little direct care of patients, while in others patient care would be foremost. However, responsibilities that you could meet in general include:

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Working closely with patients observing and recording their symptoms and progress  

Recording, updating and monitoring complete patient history records  

Working on a plan for patient care, putting that plan into action and ensuring the plan is kept up to date and all is well  

Assigning tasks to nursing assistants and practical nurses and ensuring those tasks are carried out  

Providing emotional support and care for the families of loved ones in your care and also for the patients themselves.  

Open doors

Upon becoming a registered nurse after earning your degree, the door is open for further advancement in the nursing world. If you so choose you could work your way up one of many career fields in the nursing sector and as nursing is one of health care's largest occupations you can be sure there is never a shortage of positions waiting to be filled.
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