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Registered Nurse Guide - 4 Free Sites for RNs

Registered Nurse Guide - 4 Free Sites for RNs

The nursing sites listed in this article include some of the most official industry sites that provide useful information for registered nurses. Some of these sites contain social networks that can help nurses obtain information from other health care professionals in the field. One of the best ways to find specific information is by asking someone who is an active participant in the field. The best sites contain social tools such as blogs, forums, communities and organizations.

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1. Bureau of Labor Statistics

Updated data and statistics can be found for RN salary information, employment outlook and future job growth predictions. The U.S. government also gives a registered nurse job description that helps define and outline the duties and responsibilities of nurses. This site includes a breakdown of where nurses are employed (i.e. hospitals, assisted living facilities, home care, etc.)

2. RN dot com

Ultimate free online resource guide for everything to do with nursing. Join nursing student associations, read about continuing education requirement for RNs, get tips on how to interview for nursing jobs. If you need help building your resume this site can be a good resource for brainstorming ideas. Many benefits to be gained by joining this online nursing community. Visit RN dot com to learn more.

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3. ExploreHealthCareers dot org

If you are thinking of becoming an RN and starting a career as a health care provider this site can give a broad overview of what to expect. They have detailed nurse job description, describe typical working conditions and explain the necessary preparation required to become a licensed RN. You can also find recent health care news, specific medical industry organizations and medical career profiles. Use this site to explore your options before you choose a field to specialize in. Their site also features a blog that lets you interact with other medical professionals, ask questions and get answers from health care professionals. Find out where employment opportunities exist in certain medical fields; do you want to work in a hospital? Many health care jobs are in assisted living facilities caring for our growing elder population.

4. Types of Nurses

A registered nurse can specialize in over one hundred different types of nursing. This site provides nursing profiles for 68 of the most common nursing specialties. You can find nurse job descriptions, salary info, nursing jobs and education requirements. There is a huge difference in the daily tasks of an emergency room nurse compared to a holistic nurse. If you are new to the nursing profession and looking for an area to specialize this site can help you make a decision. This site also includes the most recent NANDA list of diagnoses.
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